How to play: WildeCardz Animals

WildeCardz: Animalz can be played by 2+ players. Players can use any method to determine who goes first - eg. dice-roll, clock-wise rotation, or previous round's winner. Be creative! Recommended method is to start at North position, and go clockwise. And the winner of the previous round goes first in the next round.
All players roll an Animal Card using the "Roll Animal Card" button, but don't disclose their Animal Card to the other players.
See all button types in Section 5 of the "How to Play WildeCardz: Animalz"

Player 1 calls out "High Card" or "Low Card", and then picks an Attribute (Weight, Lifespan, Speed, Length, Height, Diet, Group Size, Adaptations, Birthrate, or Limbs). This determines which of the Low-or-High values in any Attribute may be used. For example, an Animal's Weight attribute can range from 0.05 to 26,000 lbs, depending on the Animal Card. If Player 1 said "High Card", the Animal Card with the HIGHEST Weight value in the players' hands would win the round. If Player 1 went "Low Card", the Animal Card with the LOWEST Weight would win the round. This "HIGH" or "LOW" choice gives players the strategic option of choosing how to play each Animal Card to its strengths.

All the players respond one-by-one with the name of the card (eg. Cheetah, Rhinocerous, Shark, etc) and call out the value of that Attribute.

Here's an example of a round:
  • Players (all): *roll cards at beginning of round*
  • Player 1: says "High Card --- Lion --- Speed --- 50 miles per hour"
  • Player 2: says "Bigfin Reef Squid --- 15 miles per hour"
  • Player 3: says "Cheetah --- 70 miles per hour"
The winner of this round would be Player 3, since the HIGHEST Speed value was "Cheetah --- 70 mph".

Only 1 Power Card is allowed per round. Power Cardz must be rolled before rolling an Animal Card. All players must calculate the change in their Attribute values caused by the Power Card. Players may help other players who need help with the math.

Players may use a calculator to assist them with any calculations!
If there is a tie at the end of the round, the tied-players split 1 winning point between them. For example, if 7 players are competing in the round, and 3 players tie for the winning Attribute, the 3 players each get 1/3 of a point. If 2 players tie for the win, they each receive 1/2 of a point. A tie between 5 players would result in 1/5 of a point each. Ties can occur when Attributes such as Diet, Adaptations, and Limbs are played by Player 1.
Winning: All Players add up their points at the end of the match to deterime the winner. Players may use any method to keep track of their points.
Weight: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Pounds (lbs) and Kilograms (kgs)

Lifespan: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Years

Speed: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Miles-per-hour (mph) and Kilometers-per-hour (kmph)

Length: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Feet (ft) and Meters (m)

Height: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Feet (ft) and Meters (m)

Diet: values are 1 for Herbivore and Carnivore, and 2 for Omnivore

Group Size: LOW and HIGH values are listed in number of Individuals in a group

Adaptations: values are 1 for Land, Water, or Air, and 2 for Amphibious

Birthrate: LOW and HIGH values are listed in Days of pregnancy, and number of Offspring born

Limbs: LOW and HIGH values are listed in number of limbs. Some animals have additional limbs like long tails, trunks, antennas, wings, and extra legs which are included in the value
 Rolls a new Animal Card

 Rolls a new Power Card. Power Cardz are identified by this symbol, and they let players change the values of the Attributes using either division or multiplication. Power Cards can also specify a winning Attirbute (eg. Diet: Omnivore wins) which provides special boosts during rounds.

 Rolls the 12-sided Dice: a dice with values from 1 to 12 is provided, along with one re-roll value.

Players are welcome to use this to create fun variations on the game. Example 1, players can break ties using a dice roll. Example 2, players must roll an even number (2,4,6,8,10,12) if they want to use the Power Card. Example 3, dice values of even-numbers mean the round is a default HIGH Card round, and odd-number values mean its a LOW Card round. Example 4, if players don't like their Animal Card, they can roll the dice and if it lands on [X] value, they get to re-roll the Animal Card.

Players are encouraged to try variations with the Dice Roll to make new and exciting game rules!

  WIN and LOSS voicelines: Players are encouraged to play a WIN voiceline when the win a round, or a LOSS voiceline if they feel like it upon a loss. There are many options and the voicelines are appropriate for all ages!